Centuries ago, Tibetan monks began searching Buddhist symbols from a strongly banded black Onyx/agate stone in the distance of the Himalayas . They firmly believed that the strong positive energy can ONLY be found in Strongly Banded Onyx or Agate stone because they believed that mysterious energy exists in there because they are harder and last longer than rocks which have millions of years of "life" close to "eternity". Stones were shaped when they chanted blessings over them. Magic happened: Patterns emerged while the stone was polished. Circles and swirls appeared as if their praying and blessing rewarded. These stone beads were handed over around the far reach of this isolated country. Legends began to circulate far away from the monasteries who produced them. Locals believed that these amazing "eyes" were thrown down from heaven to give protect to their land and livings, add energy to its owner to keep away from physical disasters and bring GOOD KARMA.