Did you noticed,the important and topmost invention of mankind THE WHEEL is slowly disappearing.Now we can generate elecricity without the wheel using solar panels,LCD panel digital watches can show time without it,without rotating or moving parts we can listen to music nowadays ,hard disk to memory chips,think...! take notice you will find more.But the transportation is solely dependent on wheels until we have slug cars,yes Magnetic Levitation Trains are there!We are about to complete the full circle,wheel less -wheel-wheel less.Till now wheel is the topmost invention in all mechanical applications.Nature itself goes on cycles,from Atom to Universe everything moves on cycles.Indian logic also derived the idea of re-birth/reincarnation from it.Water cycle is a good example from nature.Hello! Iam in need of your comments so that i can improve this blog with more eyeopeners.I am trying to post original materials and photos which are relevant and useful to the readers.