Saturday, October 19, 2013
Friday, October 7, 2011
Sikkim quake unique
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Monday, November 15, 2010
They play with cricket and we play cricket !!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Marriage cannot be completed without a wedding ring. In some countries a couple can wed each other only by exchanging wedding ring. A wedding ring is often worn on the left ring finger, which is the fourth finger from the thumb of the left hand. It is a traditional belief that the“vein of love” directly ran from the heart to the fourth finger of the left hand. It is only because of this belief that in some countries the wedding ring is placed on the fourth ring finger of the left hand.
In the Indian wedding tradition, the left hand is considered inauspicious. Hence the wedding ring is worn on the right hand. However, despite tradition the wedding ring symbolizes love, fidelity and marital commitment to each other.
There is a one more convincing explanation given by the Chinese Of Why should the wedding ring be worn on the fourth finger…It says
Thumb represents your — Parents
Second (Index) finger represents your Siblings
Middle finger represents Your Self
Fourth (Ring) finger represents your Life Partner
Last (Little) finger represents your Children
- Firstly, open your palms (face to face), bend the middle fingers and hold them together – back to back
- Secondly, open and hold the remaining three fingers and the thumb – tip to tip (As shown in the figure Above)
- Now, try to Separate your Thumbs (representing the parents)…, they will open, because your parents are not destined to live with you lifelong (Sorry but its the Truth), and have to leave you sooner or later.
- Please join your thumbs as before and separate your Index fingers (representing siblings)… ., they will also open, because your brothers and sisters will have their own families and will have to lead their own separate lives.
- Now join the Index fingers and separate your Little fingers (representing your children)… ., they will open too, because the children also will get married and settle down on their own some day…
- Finally, join your Little fingers, and try to separate your Ring fingers (representing your spouse).
You will be surprised to see that you just CANNOT ..,
Coz Husband & Wife have to remain together all their lives – through thick and thin.. !!
Does this theory convince you… ???
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Maidmer not the mermaid

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Beleive it or not..

Beleive it or not..Jinnah married a girl aged 16 from Darjeeling when he was 40,that is after the death of his first wife.Jaswant singh is a representative (Lok Sabha MP) from Darjeeling constituency.Now he wrote a book on Jinnah which created a controversy leading to his outstre from the BJP party.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Abducted at 11, now mother of 2; girl found after 18 yrs

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Doctors baffled by Indian village of 200 sets of twins

- Kodinji village, in Malappuram district of Kerala, has an unusually high number of twins-at least 220 pairs in a population of 14,600
- The national average is 8.1 twins per 1,000 live births. Kodinji's rate is five times that-45 per 1,000 births
- The number of twins born here each year is increasing-there are only nine pairs of twins aged 41-60 years, against 81 pairs aged 5-15 years
- The cause is perhaps not genetic, as the high rate of twins is found among Kodinji's Hindus, Muslims, as well as among outsiders who have settled here. Perhaps the cause is an environmental factor, but this is yet to be investigated.
- The phenomenon continues to pose a mystery to geneticists, doctors, other experts
Friday, July 10, 2009

A famous 1935 book called Rats, Lice and History, by bacteriologist Hans Zinsser, expounds on the “intimate role” that lice played in the social life of the human race until well into the 19th century. “It was not so long ago, indeed, that its prevalence extended to the highest orders of society, and was accepted as an inevitable part of existence like baptism, or the smallpox,” he writes.
Some cultures even incorporated the parasite into their traditions, according to Zinsser. The Aztec people collected lice from their bodies in small bags and laid them at the feet of their king. Native people of Northern Siberia threw lice on a visitor in a traditional declaration of love. Zinsser explains this as “a sort of ‘My louse is thy louse’ ceremony.” A Swedish town in the Middle Ages elected a mayor by placing a louse in the middle of a table of eligible candidates, and “The one into whose beard the louse first adventured was the mayor for the ensuing year.”
Later, some Europeans took to shaving their heads and wearing a wig in an effort to deter lice, but the wigs themselves were often full of nits. Nitpicking was a way of life; educated children, however, were taught that it was “improper to take lice or fleas or other vermin by the neck to kill them in company, except in the most intimate circles,” according to Zinsser.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Saturday, November 1, 2008
World's fattest man Manuel Uribe weds girlfriend

It was a Big Fat Mexican Wedding with a low-calorie reception when the world’s fattest man married his long-term girlfriend in Mexico on Sunday.
Manuel Uribe, 43, wed hairdresser Claudia Solis, fulfilling a birthday wish for the Mexican man who has shed an enormous 570 pounds (230 kg) from his former weight of 94 stone (590kg) over the past 12 months.
Despite his impressive weight loss, Mr Uribe, named the 'World’s Fattest Man' by the Guinness Book of Records in 2007, remains confined to his bed which he has not been able to leave in the past four years.
But that didn’t stop him making the 30-minute trip to the civil ceremony at a makeshift altar in a local town hall in his home town of Monterrey.
The former car parts dealer was transported to the wedding on his specially-reinforced four-poster bed, draped with cream and gold and adorned in bright sunflowers, on the back of a truck.
Dressed in a white satin shirt and with a sheet covering his legs, Mr Uribe smiled broadly, gave the thumbs up and waved to passers-by as the truck headed towards the wedding.
His bride, wearing in a strapless ivory satin dress, a tiara and holding a bouquet of fresh lilies, looked equally as excited, smiling for the swarm of international photographers.
As the couple was declared husband and wife, Mr Ubide broke into tears.
Mr Uribe said later: "I have a wife and will form a new family and live a happy life."
For the traditional first dance as newlyweds, the newlyweds held hands and swayed to a romantic ballad.
Mr Uribe's doctors were among the 400 guests at the wedding reception which had a "low-calorie banquet" with meat, creamed mushrooms and buttered vegetables.
Mr Uribe, whose goal weight is 120kg (18st), said previously he might have a bite of wedding cake for the cameras, but would not have any more as his strict diet would not allow it. Read more...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
DASAVATHARAM:The perfect Ten from Chachi 420

Anil Kapoor took advantage of Kamals remakes in Hindi,most of the Anil Kapoors movies which were appreciated for his acting were Kamals Hit Tamil Movies or Bhagiaraj directed Remakes of his Tamil movies.Now Priyadarshan is bringing the best of Kerala to the Bollywood.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The curious case of an experiment with alchemy

On one of the walls of the Birla temple in New Delhi is engraved an unusual inscription. Unusual, because it contains an amazing first-person account of an alchemical experiment purportedly conducted in the early 1940s in Delhi, which was witnessed by a few prominent people of that time. It was an experiment in which mercury was successfully transformed into gold — or so the inscription claims. Here's a translation of how the inscription, in Hindi, describes the event:
"On 27 May 1942 AD (Jyaistha Shukla 1 Samvat 1998) in Birla House, New Delhi Shri Pandit Krishnapal Sharma made approximately 1 tola of gold from 1 tola of mercury in front of us. The mercury was put inside a shell of reetha. In the mercury was mixed about 1 or 11/2 ratti of a white powder of some herb (jari-buti) and another yellow powder. Then the reetha shell was closed by clay and the whole thing put into the hollow of an earthen lamp and put on fire. For about 45 minutes, the fire was stoked by a fan till the coal got burnt completely to ashes. The lamp was then put into water to remove the contents. From the hollow of the earthen lamp a lump of gold was extracted. On weighing it was found to be one or two ratti less than 1 tola. It was very dry.
"We could not find out what these two powders were. Pandit Krishnapal stood at a distance of 10 to 15 feet from us during this whole process. Present at that time were Shri Amritlal B Thakkar (prime minister, All India Hindu Sevak Sangh) Shri Goswami Ganesh Duttji Lahore, secretary, Birla Mills, Delhi, Shri Sitaramji Kemka, chief engineer Shri Wilson and Shri Viyogi Hari. All were quite amazed to witness the process. We could witness this process by the kindness of Shriman Seth Jugal Kishore Birla."
A similar inscription also exists at Varanasi's Birla temple:
"In the month of charitra mas, Samvat 1999 (Indian calendar, 1943), a resident of Punjab, staying in Kashi, one Pandit Krishnapal Rasavaidya performed the experiment in Rishikesh in the presence of Mahatma Gandhi's PA Mahadeva Desai and Goswami Ganesh Dutta and G K Birla. Mercury provided by Desai was made into gold, about 18 kg in weight.
"This was given as donation to Samadhan Dharma Pratinidhi Sabha, Punjab which fetched Rs 72,000 to the said trust. Sri Krishnapal repeated this experiment in the presence of Pratap Singh, Benaras Hindu University."
What prompted the detailing of these experiments on the walls of the Birla temples? The reason, according to V K Mishra, administrator of the Birla temple in Delhi, was to make people aware of the vast alchemical knowledge possessed by ancient Indian rishis, who apparently knew the secret of converting mercury into gold.
In fact, there are plenty of references in ancient Indian texts to this kind of alchemy. Researchers say that if they indeed occurred, they'd be a type of low-energy nuclear reaction, popularly termed cold fusion. This is a field that has always been surrounded by controversy, as modern science has consistently refused to believe that cold fusion — essentially a nuclear reaction taking place at room temperature — is possible. "With our present knowledge of the known facts of condensed matter of physics, there is no explanation for cold fusion," admits Amit Roy, director of the Inter-University Accelerator Centre in Delhi. "However, if proven, it could re-write the rules of science," he adds. Among other benefits, cold fusion could lead to the development of a clean, decentralised (gridless) source of power. This opens up limitless possibilities, as virtually every house can then create its own electricity using clean sources of fuel like water, without producing any radioactive or hazardous waste. Also, when perfected, cold fusion can yield results of the kind described in the Birla temple inscriptions.
Mahadeva Srinivasan, former associate director of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), who was among the first to conduct research in this field in India and is now one of the country's foremost advocates of cold fusion, believes this kind of alchemical conversion is perfectly possible. "I am personally convinced that alchemy, namely conversion of mercury to gold is true," he asserts. The basis of Srinivasan's confidence lies in the research he conducted between 1989 and 1994 at BARC which, he says, yielded very positive results. "Because of the results we got, we started pursuing this field with great interest and hope. Unfortunately, it was killed in India by some senior scientists," he says.
In fact, the opposition to cold fusion isn't restricted to India alone. Ever since the first claims of this effect were made in 1989 by two Utah University researchers, scientists have viewed such claims with scepticism, primarily because the results of cold fusion experiments have not always been consistent and reproducible. Also, not much has been understood about how and why such reactions occur. "The physics of these reactions still remains a mystery," says Srinivasan. However, recent research, especially by Japanese physicist Yoshiaki Arata, has made some headway. A demonstration conducted by Arata on May 22 reported a high degree of reproducibility, raising hopes that cold fusion reactions can perhaps become a reality.
But while China, Russia and Japan are pumping money into cold fusion research, India continues to lag behind. "It's ironical that funding agencies are not encouraging research in this field though it is much cheaper than many other types of atomic research underway in the country. This is primarily because top scientists have closed their eyes to its possibilities. It's time they woke up to its reality," says Srinivasan.
Sceptics might not be convinced in a hurry. But here's a tantalising thought: In case cold fusion research succeeds, experiments of the kind mentioned in the Birla temple inscriptions might just turn into a scientific reality.
source: Times of India
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Colur Blindness

For a society often seen to reflect a deeply ingrained bias for "fair skin", a Supreme Court ruling sentencing a man to two years in jail for driving his wife to suicide following taunts over her "dark" complexion will serve as both a warning and a mirror to its uglier traits.
The apex court was firm that ridiculing a wife by calling her "black" amounted to severe mental torture.
It rejected the husband's plea that mere remarks about his spouse's complexion could not be taken into consideration as they did not amount to mental torture and that therefore, the conclusion that this drove her to commit suicide was erroneous.
The court said derogatory and contemptuous remarks about a woman's dark complexion, which could be worse than physical torture for a sensitive person, caused enough mental trauma to drive the accused's wife to take the extreme step.
The order from a Bench comprising Justices Altamas Kabir and J M Panchal for the first time marks a new sensitivity towards a form of discrimination that has been so common that it is not even considered as out of the ordinary.
While the court and legislature have acted against caste-based and, lately against gender-based prejudices, the colour handicap had not engaged its attention so far.
In the facts of the case, Syed Fathima, within two months of her marriage to Farook Batcha in August 1999, got so distressed with the constant quarrels in her matrimonial home because of her dark complexion that she finally decided to end her life by pouring kerosene and setting herself on fire.
In her dying declaration, she said that since her complexion was dark, her husband did not like her and there were frequent quarrels. A day after giving the statement, she died in hospital.
A Madurai sessions court as well as Madras High Court found the husband guilty under Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code (cruelty to women in matrimonial home) and sentenced him to two years imprisonment.
Picture grab: Sivaji-Tamil Movie
News source:Times of India
Friday, April 4, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Speaking at the launch of a “Traffic Patrol Scheme” of the Delhi Police, Mr. Tejendra Khanna raised many eyebrows with his remarks that came at a time when anti-North Indian statements have already roused enough rabble. “In this region, the situation is such that commonly it is a matter of pride to violate the law. The behaviour pattern in South India is such that the people naturally stay within the limits of the law,” he remarked.
For good measure, Mr. Khanna also quipped, “It is a speciality of North and West India that the people feel a sense of honour and pride in violating the law and boasting that no action has been taken against them”.
The Lieutenant-Governor said he had decided to make efforts to ensure that people here respect the law. “If the people overstep the limits, then the law enforcement agencies should not remain mute spectators and should take effective action,” he emphasised.
For his part, Mr. Khanna later clarified that he had only referred to “the comparatively lower level of autonomous self-compliance of traffic regulations…compared with metropolitan cities in the South which is borne out by relevant statistics”.
“This in turn leads to the need for a more effective police presence and alertness to check violations,” he added. Criticism
Only this past January Mr. Khanna had come under severe criticism over the issue of photo identity cards being made mandatory for all residents of the Capital. Following loud protests by a cross-section of political parties including the Congress and the Delhi Government, he clarified that he had been misunderstood. The matter had stirred a hornet’s nest with Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar writing to the Prime Minister urging him to ensure withdrawal of the L-G’s plan as it could have been used to harass people from certain States.
With the latest remarks coming at a time when relations between Mr. Khanna and Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit are far from cosy, the “North India” issue has again generated heat and further affected power equations between the two who had not seen eye to eye with each other over the recent appointment of the State Chief Secretary and the DDA Vice-Chairperson. The issue has also given the Opposition an opportunity to target the Congress in this Delhi Assembly election year.
Already Delhi BJP president Harsh Vardhan has demanded that Mr. Khanna withdraw his statement. And while sharing this sentiment, party secretary Vijay Goel charged that “there is something wrong with the thinking of the Congress at large as last year Ms. Dikshit had made some remarks about people from UP and Bihar in Delhi”.
On the contrary, Delhi Nationalist Congress Party leader Ramvir Singh Bidhuri welcomed Mr. Khanna’s statement saying that there was a need to discipline road users in the Capital.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Cyclist’s circumambulation

Cyclist’s circumambulation
Cathy Heffernan
Scotsman goes round the world in record 195 days, six hours
A Scottish man on Friday became the fastest to cycle around the world when he arrived in Paris after nearly seven months on the road. Mark Beaumont, 25, completed the trip in 195 days and six hours — beating the current record of 276 days. (He passed through India in late-2007.)
After months of dodging drivers, sleeping rough and struggling to get enough to eat, he is expected to enter the Guinness Book of Records once the feat is verified.
Carrying 80 kg of gear, including a tent, on a £2,500 road bike, Mr. Beaumont beat the previous record by 81 days. He said the last two days on the road had been hard, but “about 40 km from Paris the adrenaline kicked in and I flew up the last hills.”
His trip took him through 20 countries on a route which included Pakistan, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand and the U.S. Holland last August took four hours; Germany three days. He endured floods and road rage and was knocked off his bike in Louisiana in the U.S. by a motorist who drove through a red light.
At one point in the U.S., he found himself at a motel that was full of crack addicts, who stole his wallet and BBC camera. Back in the saddle, he cycled through the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida in two days.
He kept a Web diary, allowing fans to follow his journey, and the small crowd that saw him off at the Arc de Triomphe on August 5 last year had grown into a huge one, that included the British Ambassador to France and a media scrum, when he completed the trip. “I could hardly get over the finishing line because so many people turned out,” he remarked.
Mr. Beaumont, a vegetarian, had to consume 6,000 calories a day to sustain energy levels. This meant he sometimes had to eat meat to rack up the count. In the outback in Australia he relied on Mars bars and tins of baked beans in an area where petrol stations and shops only crop up every few hundred miles.
En route to Lahore he came down with food poisoning, and had a stomach like “a tumble drier.” He said the trip could have gone faster if it had not been for the junk food he had had to eat in Australia and the U.S. “There were no healthy options — and it had a massive effect on my mental focus and body strength.”
Terrifying experiences included cycling in Istanbul, a city of 15 million people, which “without comparison is the scariest cycling I have ever done.” He changed routes to avoid the insurgency in southern Thailand when crossing into Malaysia.
The Glasgow University graduate hopes to have raised £18,000 for charities.
Mr. Beaumont started the Artemis World Cycle Challenge with the aim of beating the record of 276 days, 19 hours and 15 minutes, held by Steven Strange from Devon. His first long-distance bike ride was at the age of 12.
Guinness World Records spokeswoman Amarilis Espinoza said they would review the attempt: “Our researchers will go through the paperwork, but it has been logged as an official attempt and it seems everything is in order.” — © Guardian Newspapers Limited, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Recharge Your Mobile/Cell Phone For Free !

If u have a Mobile/cell phone,
Recharge ur phone every month freely by following this process
Please follow the instruction & you can recharge your SIM card absolutely free.
Yes it is possible, see how technology can be used to make technicians fool.
I just got a mail from a friend of mine, whose friend is B.Tech.(ETC) from IIT
Powai, teaching me how to reload my hand set every month for free. Engineered by
a group of rebel programmers. I am going to share this to all of you.
Please follow the instructions as stated below before you start it:
Applicable for ORANGE (HUTCH), AIRTEL, SPICE & BSNL users only ,sorry for idea,
BPL and Reliance users and it is done illegally of course. But there are many
things that are illegal in this world.
But then who cares. Don’t worry nobody can trap you. No legal action can be
taken on you for this. So go ahead without worrying.
You can only do this every 24th & 25th of the month as the network system is
under upgrade.
1.) ** Dial ” 1415007 ” using your h/phone and wait for 5 second
2.) ** after 5 second, you will hear some funny noise (like sound from TV when
the station is finished)
3.) ** Once the noise stop, immediately dial 9151 follow by your phone number
4.) ** A recorded message “please insert your pin number” will follow
5.) ** punch in the pin number ” 011785 45227 00734″ and wait for the operator
finish repeating the above pin number.
6.) ** After the pin number has been repeat, dial ” 0405-for AIRTEL, 404 -for
ORANGE (HUTCH)” . 403 -for BSNL”
7.) ** you will hear a message “for air time top-up press 1723″ you just have to
follow the instruction
8.) ** After you follow the instruction, the noisy sound will re-appear for
about 5 second
9.) ** once the noise stop, dial ” 4455147 ” follow by ” 146 ”
10.) ** after about 5 second, dial ” 1918 ” after 3 second dial ” 4451 ”
11.) ** after you done that, punch in the serial number ” 01174452271145527 ”
you will hear dial tone.
12.) ** once the dialing tone stop, dial ” 55524785933 ” you will hear ” please
key in your password”
13.) ** the password is ” **** 2+253+7891*+546322 ” wait for the message “your
password accepted”
14.) ** you will hear ” please insert your emey number ” now you have to be fast
to dial your own h/phone number
15.) ** you will hear a dialing tone, when the call is answered, dial ” 1566 ”
and you will hear “re-confirm emery number”
16.) ** once you hear that message, dial ” 6011556 2245334 follow by your
h/phone number”
17.) ** after a while, you will hear a message “your pin number is accepted” you
have to dial ” 1007 ”
18.) ** after you done that you will hear “your emery number is accepted”
19.) ** continue dial ” 4566 ” you will hear “your password is accepted”
20.) ** once the second message finish, immediately dial your own h/phone number
21.) ** Now you will receive a message saying ………..
Friday, November 30, 2007
Parallel Universes

The idea of parallel universes provides a possible resolution to the 'grandfather paradox' that might otherwise cause problems for time travellers. If we travel back in time and change history, we launch ourselves into a new future in a parallel universe - but we have no effect on the present one from which we started out.
Scientists of the future may well pursue a new form of futuristic technology based on quantum effects. Such applications could include quantum teleportation, by which a quantum particle can be teleported from one point in space to another; and quantum computation, where calculations can be carried out which would take many years on a conventional computer. Although we now know how to measure time very accurately, have we come any nearer to answering the basic question 'What is time?'. A BBC science more..
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Static electricity generated Argument! or the great Indian JUGAAD!

KOLKATA, Nov 27: The next time you need to charge your mobile phone and there’s no electrical plug or electricity at hand, you may want to try and recharge it using a currency note instead. Just make sure you use a Nokia mobile phone.
Weird though it may sound, but that’s how it is. One just needs to switch-off the cellular device and take out the battery. Now the special identification magnetic strip (silver coloured) on a Rs 10 or Rs 100 currency note is inserted between the charging points on the battery (brass) and the connecting points in the phone and the battery are put in place. Thereafter one only needs to switch-on the mobile and pull the currency note back.
Phew! The phone is fully charged again in seconds without using electricity.
Neither scientists and teachers nor those Nokia officials however, were able to explain the phenomenon. A senior teacher from Netaji Nagar College, Mr Surojit Mullick said sometimes when the battery is taken out, some of the charge is restored. But he could not account for the fact that the charge remained there for a long time. Senior scientist, Mr Dipankar Home, also said a detailed study is needed to analyse the phenomenon. “Sometimes it depends on the material. If the material is of high conductivity, it may recharge the lead cells. But to explain any such things one needs to test the material used in the battery as well as those in the notes,” he said.
A spokesperson company only said that it was just not possible. “Even senior scientists have rejected any such possibility,” she said. President of the
India Cellular Association, Mr Pankaj Mohindroo, however trashed the claim. “Don't even believe the claims. It's all rubbish. Sometimes when rubbed against electrostatic substances a battery gets charged due to the high amount of static electricity produced,” he said.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
'Shah Rukh is a reincarnation of a Bengali dancer'

Walter Semkiw, an occupational medicine physician practising in San Francisco, believes that Shah Rukh Khan is the reincarnation of a dancer and actress called Sadhona Bose - who starred in a few films of the 1930s and ’40s. Bose’s most successful film was Raj Nartaki, released in 1941. But after that, her career flagged and she was eventually reduced to begging.
Sounds bizarre? There’s more. Semkiw’s book, ‘Born Again’ features reincarnation case studies of a number of international celebrities, including numerous Indian personalities, ranging from Amitabh Bachchan to Jawaharlal Nehru. For instance, according to Semkiw, Bachchan is the reincarnation of American actor Edwin Booth, who was considered one of the finest Shakespearean actors of Victorian times, while Bahadurshah Zafar, the last Mughal king, was reincarnated as Jawaharlal Nehru.
Semkiw’s book, which was released last year, has evinced considerable interest, with even Shah Rukh reportedly saying that while his religion did not permit him to believe in a past or future life, he still wanted to see Sadhona Bose’s pictures.
But how did Semkiw come to his conclusions about the past lives of so many people? He says that it was through a combination of psychic sessions as well as a lot of background research. “It all started when I consulted Kevin Ryerson, a famous trance medium. I found that Kevin was able to channel an Egyptian spirit guide named Athun Re, who, I realised over the course of multiple sessions, had the ability to make accurate past life identifications. However, since my background is in science, I needed evidence to be convinced that whatever matches were being told to me were 100% correct,” he says.
One does wonder, however, if the good doctor, though well-intentioned, might have been led on by say, the medium that he was consulting? “Such skepticism is understandable,” says Semkiw, “since I also started out as a hard-core skeptic. But during the course of the sessions, the matches involved individuals in history that were so obscure and so hard to get information on, that there was no way that the spirit guide or the medium, for that matter, could have made the matches without accessing some spiritual source,” he says.
What finally convinced him, says Semkiw was when the name he received as an answer was researched and facial features, personality traits, talents etc matched, there were invariably striking similarities. Amitabh Bachchan, for example, says Semkiw, not only shares a love for acting with his supposed past life persona of Edwin Booth, but also has similar personality traits, which have been passed on from one lifetime to another.
Incidentally, Edwin Booth was the brother of John Wilkins Booth, who is infamous in history as the man who shot Lincoln, although Edwin himself, was determinedly apolitical, saying that politics simply did not suit him - a feeling Bachchan might sympathise with.
Not just that, Edwin Booth’s family has also been reincarnated as people who are close to Bachchan in this lifetime, claims Semkiw. Jaya Bachchan, for instance, has been identified as Mary Mc Vickers, Edwin Booth’s second wife, while Rekha is believed to be Edwin Booth’s first wife, Mary Devlin.
In researching cases, says Semkiw, he found many instances where ambitions that were not fulfilled in a previous lifetime were being completed in the next. “The best example is that of Hollywood actress Halle Berry, who has been identified as the reincarnation of 1950s actress Dorothy Dandridge,” he says.
Besides having a strong facial resemblance, the two had other similarities too. Both were born to black parents in Ohio - Dorothy died in 1965, while Berry was born in 1968. Berry, in fact, also went on to make a movie on Dorothy. During the course of the movie, she became best friends with Geri Branton, who was also Dorothy’s close friend and who claimed that she was taken aback when she first saw Berry, “because she was so much like Dorothy.”
One of Dorothy’s dearest wishes was to win an Oscar, which she never did, because a certain amount of prejudice existed against blacks in Hollywood at that time. However, years later, in 2002, Halle Berry became the first black woman to win an Oscar. “Finally, as Halle Berry in this lifetime, Dorothy Dandridge fulfilled her goal,” says Semkiw.
Having researched these cases, what does he now feel reincarnation is all about? “I believe that the knowledge of reincarnation is necessary for all of us,” says Semkiw. “Knowing that we will reincarnate will help people realise that they can be Christian in one lifetime or Muslim in another. Once that happens, then hatred and warfare will cease to exist and we can come to understand that from lifetime to lifetime, our purpose is mainly to experience various life situations that keep on evolving our souls.”
Rationalists will, no doubt, scoff. But believers will probably take comfort from Semkiw’s contention that an unfulfilled life needn’t be a tragic waste. As the line goes, picture abhi baaki hai.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Safety Pin

The first safety pin was invented by the ancient Greeks, Italians, and Sicilians. It had two things wrong with it one it had no clasp and second it had no spring at the end to help put it in place. The safety pin was designed to help pin things together. The safety pin is used for many things kind of like a temporary button, zipper, or it can hold a rip or babies diapers. The safety pin was very useful to all people. It will continue to be useful in every day life. Walter Hunt's improvement was very helpful to all. All it took to create this device was a piece of wire, imagination, and a little time.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Death of a Sperm whale

I returned to my home to take my camera to click some snaps.When I returned the lower teeth of the whale is missing and the blood from its body was all around.Poachers and smugglers know about these things better.Now while surfing the net I found about the uses of these teeth .They make scrimshaws out of this.The tooth extracted from this whale may be sitting in the showcase in some corner of the world.No dignity even in Death of these mammals!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Hitler received up to 1,000 fan mails every month: Report

This inference can be drawn from the contents of many of the upto 1,000 letters a month written to the Nazi ruler -- the mails have been unearthed by German historian Henrik Eberle who published them in his new book.
The book, titled Letters to Hitler -- People Writes to its Leader , contains contents of the letters which included not only fawning pledges of allegiance but bizarre requests from ordinary Germans for permission to bake cakes named after the Nazi leader, The Independent reported on Tuesday.
Although they were written only early in Hitler's career, shortly after he was released from jail in 1923, they show that he was already being deluged with fan mail.
The daily cited a telegram written by one Walter Zickler, dated June 1925. It pledges "unalterable allegiance and unshakeable faith in "Adolf Hitler", on behalf of the "College of German Farmers".
"How does HE stand regarding the question of alcohol?" asks Alfred Barg, in a letter written to Hitler in May 1925.
To Barg's letter, the dictator's deputy Hess replies nine days later: "Herr Hitler does not drink any alcohol, except for a few drops on very special occasions. He does not smoke at all."
Another letter written by a loyal National Socialist baker asks for permission to bake a new variety of cake which would in future be honoured with the name "Hitler Cake". Hess refused because Hitler's strategy was to strictly avoid ‘kitsch’ publicity gimmicks.
The most obsequious mail came from Nazi Party members. One letter from a Nazi official says, "We don't want anyone else in government, we want only Adolf Hitler." (PTI)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Kolkata: A deranged man on Thursday went down a manhole and slept there before being lured with the promise of bread to come out.
The man, who later gave his name as Keshav, was spotted by people entering the manhole naked at around 3:00 pm.
The police and fire brigade arrived after being alerted, but they could not find him as he had crept into a sewer connecting two manholes and had fallen asleep.
"The manhole, where the man entered, is connected through a sewer with another manhole 30 metres away. The man was sleeping in the sewer and so we could not find him," officer-in-charge, Hastings police station, Ashoke Banerjee said.
Keshav, who first refused to come out, later agreed after being given bread to eat, Banerjee said.
He was immediately rushed to hospital.
He said that he was very ‘annoyed’ with the police for having ‘disturbed’ his sleep.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Tea vendor paid Rs 8 lakh as income tax
The vendor, who has his stall at Rohit village on Jodhpur-Pali road, paid the amount on Wednesday after income tax department sleuths found the undeclared assets.
Meanwhile, the IT sleuths recovered Rs one crore cash during raids from a Gutkha manufacturer here.
The raids were conducted at the premises of the businessman located in Jodhpur, Mumbai, Udaipur, Kota, Bikaner and Ajmer
During the raids, jewellery worth several lakh rupees were also found from four lockers owned by the businessman.