People from the coasts of New Zealand to Andaman know about it. It’s a fortune, if they stumble upon it. A solid, some times greasy material which floats in the sea and reaches the shore. It’s a whale vomit, only from a Sperm Whale.This is used in the perfume industry as fixative.Some consider it as tonic or aphrodisiac.A man got four Kilos (It was Rs.ONE Lakh per Kilo in the 80s)of this in my village,but he was a drunkard..he got cheated by a trader,he got only 20000Rs.
Later he bought a bicycle,four buffalos and built a small house,ie. another story! I saw a SpermWhale drifted to the shore one fine day, but it was dead .The Wild life Department Personnels came to give a decent burial to the whale,it was an himalayan task! with two Elephants deputed for this mammoth work,taking the whale of a time.unable to lift.The dead mammal was stuck to the sands.This indecent burial with sand dumped over it started giving out the bad smell around for a long while..